Photo Album Page
My Video Photo Album Page: 11

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So here it is, everything wired. My 'Helmet-Cam', my 'Wing-Cam', the A/B switch, my radio, my CamCorder used in VCR mode, and a battery pack wired to power both the 'Helmet-Cam' & the 'Wing-Cam'. Just get everything out of the way, zipped, taped, velcroed, pinned or bubble-gummed in place, and you are ready to go. Now I need an A/B/C switch, because I am going to do a 'Riser-Cam' as well. I need a camera to capture those times when Jared flies so close he actually grabs my wing with his hand! Yeah, yeah, I know... it's our ass! But it looks SO COOL! We 'Step' on each others wings in flight too! We Be Cwazee! DF